Rainer Bürck - Frank Schweizer
beyond the physical scope
1 Rainer Bürck: METALLOPHONIA for tape
2 Frank Schweizer: KÖNIGKINDER for two pianos and computer
3 Rainer Bürck: TROMBONE SPHERES for trombone and tape
4 Frank Schweizer: ARI for tape
5 Rainer Bürck: ELPIA II a for piano and computer
6 Frank Schweizer: DIALOG II for recorder and computer
the CD can be ordered here:
earsay productions
331 Pine St.
New Westminster, BC
ph: (604) 527 2358
fax: (604) 524 9356
E-Mail: info@earsay.com
Rainer Bürck
Without Fear
1 Hommage a S
pour S
2 Des Ombres de la Nuit
3 STRINGendo performed by Günter Marx
4 Improvisation PCV
5 Flautando performed by Miriam Arnold
ohne Schrecken
The album is available both as Digital Album or as CD from Earsay Music:
vector alpha
Rainer Bürck: piano, keyboards & electronics
Günter Marx: violin & electronics
Martin Bürck: percussion & electronics
1 Eruption
2 Aqua
3 A-ttractor
4 Maschinen
5 Percussion solo
6 filigran
7 eisige Resonanz
8 Piano solo
9 Urgrund verweht
10 Violin solo
11 Sporaden
12 Fetzen
13 Finale
The album is available both as Digital Album or as CD from Earsay Music:
Bürck - Casserley - Bürck
crystalline strata
Rainer Bürck: piano
Lawrence Casserley: signal processing instrument
Martin Bürck: percussion
various artists
harangue II
1 Rainer Bürck: STRINGendo
2 Hildegard Westerkamp: Gently Penetrating
3 John Oliver: Scintilla
4 Damian Keller: "...Soretes de Punta
5 Andrew Czink: Devour
6 Giorgio Magnanesi& Andrew Czink: MU
The album is available both as Digital Album or as CD from Earsay Music: