Rainer Bürck
for choir a cappella (1988)
for tape (1989)
for tape (1990)
or trombone and tape (1991)
for brass quintet and tape (1992)
for 2 pianos and computer (1992)
for tuba and tape (1992)
for recorder and tape (1993)
for tape (1994)
for tape (1994)
for piano and computer (1994)
for violin and computer (1995)
for tape (1996)
for recorder and tape (1996)
for tape (1997)
for flute and computer (1997/98)
for tape (1998)
stereo acousmatic work (1999/2000) 8 channel version (2016)
sound installation (2001)
for tape (2002/03)
for guitar and electronics (2002 - 2008)
8 channel acousmatic work (2016)
8 channel acousmatic work (2017)
4 channel sound installation (2017)
(2001/02) collaborative work by TRIONYS in 13 parts for piano, violin and percussion, including live electronics.
Protuberanzen (2016/2016) collaborative work by TRIONYS for piano, violin and percussion, including live electronics.
Amandusfall 8 channel acousmatic work, including video by Jürgen Meier (2016) |